Country / countries
Price €
Free for orders from €
Transit time (a)

Portugal - mainland

Carrier: DHL

0.00 0.00 1 day

Portugal - Azores

Carrier: DHL

17.50  63.00 up to 5 days

Portugal - Madeira

Carrier: DHL

17.50  63.00 up to 5 days

European Union: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain

Carrier: DHL

9.50 51.00 2-3 days

European Union: remaining countries

Carrier: DHL

9.50 51.00 2-4 days

Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Carrier: FedEx (b)

13.50 51.00 2-5 days

USA (c), Canada (d)

Carrier: FedEx (b)

17.50 63.00 3-7 days

For shipment to other countries, please contact us.

All prices in euros.

Prices for home delivery.

All products are shipped from Portugal.


a) The estimated and expected time (in working days), will start counting after the order has been prepared. Depending on destination country and the time of year, transit time may be delayed.

b) Depending on the country of destination, taxes and/or customs fees may be charged upon arrival in the country.

c) USA: 50 states.

d) Canada: 10 provinces.

For more information about shipping, please check our shipping policies.