Customer reviews
Beautiful wicker bag, just like in the picture.
— Sophie B.
I loved it, especially the interior lining. I will use this bag a lot.
— Chloé
Good article at a fair price. I didn't know wicker and liked it a lot!
— Camille T.
Recommend, it fully meets expectations.
— Marguerite A.
I loved the bag and I hope the person receiving it will too.
— Anna P.

What is the Reed?

Reed (junco) is an aquatic plant that grows on the banks of some Portuguese rivers.

It has long, thin stems and has been used for centuries in the manufacture of various handcrafted products. Its versatility allows it to be braided and interlaced to make bags, baskets, mats, furniture and accessories.

It is therefore a product made from natural fibres, very resistant, eco-friendly, renewable, and biodegradable.

The art of reed weaving has been handed down from generation to generation, preserving ancient techniques and knowledge. There are several regions where articles are manufactured in Reed, but it is in the Leiria region where there are more artisans.

The use of bright colours, makes products made from Reed aesthetically very beautiful and an art form that combines beauty with tradition, along with a strong connection with nature.

The best-known products are the woman Reed Bags, used for decades by our mothers and grandmothers.

Women's bags from LoveitPortugal store, in particular the Reed Bags and the Reed Handbags, have a very good finishes, including a Burel lining for more comfort and security, and they are certainly an excellent souvenir from Portugal.