The term Filigree describes the ornamental and artisanal work of joining small metal wires and balls, usually in gold or silver, which are worked and welded in a harmonious way to make a piece of Jewelry. This technique requires a long apprenticeship of many years and also a lot of art and imagination.
It has existed for several centuries and had great development in Portugal in the 19th century, especially in the northern region of Portugal. It is often referred to as Filigree de Viana because it is widely used in the traditional costumes of this region, but today it is manufactured mainly in the municipalities of Póvoa do Lanhoso and Gondomar.
Filigree Jewelry is made and moulded by hand, from gold thread or silver thread, using hand tools with great manual precision and the use of heat.
International recognition came mainly from Coração de Viana (Heart of Viana), as a Medal that was worn by Sharon Stone, at the time one of the stars of world cinema. This piece was created in Portugal at the request of Queen D. Maria I.
But today there are many other Filigree Jewelry that are equally famous, namely Filigree Earrings, in varied and beautiful shapes, Filigree Bracelets or Bracelets, also in various shapes, Filigree Medals, Necklaces of Filigree and even Rings.
For men, Filigree Cufflinks are very popular, as they add a touch of class to any ceremony.
Today there is a new trend of younger creators with a more contemporary Filigree, but the best known pieces are the Coração de Viana Earrings (heart of viana earrings), the Coração de Viana Medals, the Contas de (Viana beads) Necklaces, the Rainha (Queen) Earrings and the Arrecadas.
The production of Filigree from precious metals, gold or silver, is double certified: by the Assay Office which certifies the production of the piece in Silver or Gold and also the Certification of the production method and which certifies whether it is completely manual or not..
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